Grey Bruce saw its third and fourth days of commercial vehicle inspections last week

by | May 17, 2023 | Local News

The Ministry of Transportation, along with various police services, held a third and fourth day of commercial vehicle inspections across Grey Bruce last week.  The third date was held in Durham. A total of 31 commercial vehicles were inspected. Of those, a total of 19 were taken out of service due to major defects, and a total of 17 charges were laid.The fourth and final day was held in Georgian Bluffs and Owen Sound. A total of 26 commercial vehicles were inspected, with 13 taken out of service due to major defects, and 13 charges laid.Grey Bruce OPP Detachment Commander Inspector Paul Richardson said, “Over the course of four days, 64 commercial vehicles were taken out of service due to defects that place not only the driver of the vehicle at risk, but other road users as well.”

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