At Wellington County Council’s inaugural meeting, Wellington North Mayor Andy Lennox was elected Warden for the 2022-2024 term.
Lennox has represented residents of Wellington North since 2010, serving on local Council in 2010, then elected Mayor in 2014. While on County Council, Warden Lennox has been a member of several committees and boards, including Roads (four years as Chair), Planning and Land Division (two years as Chair), Administration, Finance and Human Resources, the Wellington Federation of Agriculture, and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario – Waste Management Task Force.
Since completing his Masters of Business Administration, Lennox has worked for major corporations, run his own farm and operated a business consulting practice.
“I want to congratulate Warden Lennox,” said Past Warden Kelly Linton. “Andy’s comprehensive background in finance, business and community involvement has prepared him to lead a Council that looks forward to meeting today’s challenges. Wellington County is in very capable hands.”
Scott Wilson, Chief Administrative Officer, is also looking forward to Lennox’s leadership.
“Warden Lennox brings a variety of experiences to the role of Warden,” said Wilson. Wellington County Council and staff look forward to working with Warden Lennox.”
“It’s an incredible privilege to be elected by my peers to serve as Wellington County Warden for the next two years,” said Lennox. “I look forward to building on the important work of our previous Council and working hard to make Wellington County an even better place to live, work and do business.”
Mayor Lennox elected Warden of Wellington County