New Growth Family Centre getting Trillium Grant

by | Sep 12, 2023 | Uncategorized

On Saturday, Sept. 16, at 1:30 p.m., New Growth Family Centre Inc. will host an Open House to announce revitalization funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation.
The event is open to guests and members of the community, at 211 Birmingham St. West in Mount Forest. The grant is being used to recover from the impact of COVID 19. The group will upgrade their technical capacity to increase their outreach to families who are experiencing behavior problems with adolescents or youth in the home, school or community.
Perth-Wellington MPP Matthew Rae and an Ontario Trillium Foundation volunteer will attend the launch to mark the work done as a result of receiving a grant from the Foundation.
Founder and Program Director of the Centre Aletha McArthur, will be talking about the new revitalization project and its expected impact on the community.

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