Saugeen Conservation says there’s a chance low-lying areas could see flooding due to weather conditions

by | Mar 17, 2023 | Local News

Saugeen Conservation says forecast precipitation, warm temperatures, and melting snow will lead to water levels rising across the watershed, with the chance for flooding in low-lying areas.Daytime temperatures around 9°C will be accompanied by 15 to 25mm of rain between yesterday evening and today.While significant flooding is not expected, watercourses could reach or exceed bankfull conditions, with minor flooding in low-lying areas. More extensive flooding is possible if the region gets more rain than currently forecast.The public is reminded to stay away from all water courses and structures such as bridges, culverts, and dams. Any ice left on the water will not be safe to be on Saugeen Conservation staff will be closely monitoring the situation, and will provide an update if conditions change.To report flooding, go to——-

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