Wellington North Council Highlights

by | May 24, 2023 | Uncategorized

This is the Township of Wellington North Council Meeting Highlight Reel for May 23rd!
Two minor variances were approved, one on Queen St. East and one on Jack’s Way. Two zoning by-law amendments were also approved. Wellington Poultry are allowed to expand their existing abattoir, and a proposed zoning amendment for Schill Land Holdings was also approved.
Upper Grand District School Board Trustee Robin Ross talked to council about the board’s decision to not support fundraising for playground equipment at schools. Council was concerned, because Parent Councils at both Arthur and Kenilworth Public Schools are currently raising funds for new playground equipment.
Dr. Wayne Caldwell spoke to council about the new Provincial Planning Policies released last month, and the impacts these policies will have on the future of agriculture in Ontario.
Dr. Caldwell recently retired from the University of Guelph.
Council has serious concerns with the policies, and encourages residents to reach-out to our local MPP Matthew Rae.
Wellington County Manager of Policy Planning Sarah Wilhelm spoke about Bill 97, as well as the province’s decision on the County’s Official Plan amendment. On April 11th, the province approved the County’s Official Plan, as well as directing urban boundary expansions in Centre Wellington, Guelph Eramosa and the Town of Minto.
The meeting closed with a Cultural Moment, celebrating Mount Forest Royal Canadian Legion Branch 134.
For more information, or to watch the council meeting, check out the Township’s You-Tube channel.

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